Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago speaking at WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION Award Ceremony for Trinidad and Tobago.
The impressive ceremony held in Port of Spain, capital of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago was held under the auspices of Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith and under the High Patronage of Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago .
The most important touristic event of the year, the announcement of the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012, had attracted a large audience of ministers, parliamentary and tourism professionals eager to find out the reasons for selecting Trinidad and Tobago as the winner of the prestigious award for next year.
The spectacle was opened by a traditional Trinidad and Tobago dance full of fire and spirit fallowed by a presentation of important achievements obtained in tourism by Trinidad and Tobago during last year, presentation held by Minister of Tourism, Honorable Rupert Griffith.
Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu –Director of European Tourism Academy praised Minister of Tourism impressive results.
Speeches where held also by Professor Dr. Mircea Constantinescu –Director of European Tourism Academy who praised Minister of Tourism impressive results that are highlighting Trinidad and Tobago as a powerful cultural and tourist center in the world.
Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade , WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the garantee for an ecological , high quality and fair tourism.
In the same line Dr. Petru Lificiu, Vice-President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade had underscored the significance of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION as an instrument in promoting free and fair tourism, ecologically friendly and opened to cultural values.
Finally, in the long awaited moment, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade, had unveiled the reasons for proclaiming Trinidad and Tobago as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2012.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea , President of European Union Council on Tourism and Trade unveiling the reasons for awarding TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO.
Among the reasons he emphasizes the cultural and historic values preserved by Trinidad and Tobago, the abundance of natural reserves, protected areas, and ecologically friendly tourist programs.
In the applause of the assistance Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago received the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 on the behalf of people and government of Trinidad and Tobago.
In her speech Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar emphasize the decision taken by here government to believe in the future of Trinidad and Tobago as a tourist destination, to support development of tourism as an alternative way of economic development and expressed here gratitude towards European Union Council on Tourism and Trade delegation for support and trust in the future of tourism in Trinidad and Tobago.
Under an explosion of applause Honorable Kamla Pershad Bissessar –Prime Minister of Government of Republic of Trinidad and Tobago ask for a vote of thanks and obtained a unanimity of appreciation for her dedication in promoting tourism and obtaining the prestigious WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD for 2012 for her country and people.
The ceremony had concluded with the presentation of the new television spot carved by Ministry of Tourism to promote in 2012 the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION – Trinidad and Tobago.
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