H.H. Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum-Ruler of Dubai
On 4 April 2013, the cultural and political community of Europe under the high patronage of European Council on Tourism and Trade is celebrating the tremendous achievements of city of DUBAI, from United Arab Emirates, in the impressive Exhibition: DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO.
Exhibition DUBAI-CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO 2020 under the High Patronage of European Council on Tourism and Trade will open in Bucharest in April 2013.
The Exhibition: DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO is designed to express the European cultural and political community support for the Dubai`s bid for hosting EXPO 2020 and to present to european public the new, lofty and impressive capital of Emirate of Dubai, a part of United Arab Emirates.
Dubai is one of the greatest mega polis in the world and has rapidly turned into one of the most beautiful, energy efficient, visionary and environmental friendly capital of the world.
We must also emphasize that Dubai is priding himself as being uniquely situated, as a bridge between the rapid emerging Chinese market, the opportunities offered by Indian market and by rapidly developing Latin America`s economies.
The natural venue of contact between the wealth of Europe and the emerging markets, Dubai is perfectly situated as the natural leader of WORLD EXPO competition.
Encompassing more than 200 nationalities, ranked as the first center for finance in the region, hosting more than 10 million visitors annually and more than 51 million transit passenger’s and being constantly listed as one of the first 10 cities in the world in term of tourism, Dubai is emerging as the top of WORLD EXPO 2020.
The generous theme, selected by Dubai for WORLD EXPO entitled: CONNECTED MINDS, CREATING THE FUTURE! is offering a large area of opportunities for the participant countries to host themes ranging from environmental protection, to economic development, tourism and ways to build tolerant environment for cultures and religions etc.
Supplementary, Dubai is representing not only a paramount fruition and an outstanding effort of the Emirati, but also an example of world cooperation in the city construction, an ambitious and peerless project: a capital for the future.
Bucharest, capital of Romania, is hosting the Exhibition DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO also to impress upon the strategic dimension of United Arab Emirates -Europe bilateral relations and to state about the brotherhood feeling between the cities of Bucharest and Dubai. Also the exhibition is stressing the feeling that European Council on Tourism and Trade and United Arab Emirates are building a common destiny of friendship and cooperation.
During the Exhibition DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO, the messages of European Romanian support for Dubai candidature to WORLD EXPO 2020 will be read out by Mr. Valeriu Zgonea, President of Romanian Parliament-Chamber of Deputies, Professor dr. Anton Caragea- President of European Council on Tourism and Trade, Representatives of European tourism Academy, representatives of Senate of Romania, representatives of Economic and Cultural Commission, Environment, Tourism and Culture Ministers, academic and cultural institutions and representatives of all political parties represented in the parliament.
It is a moment of unity, destined to celebrate a city often referred to as: a world miracle.
A city build by the greatest architects of the millennium (British architect Norman Foster-one of the builder`s of Astana-capital of Kazakhstan and host of WORLD EXPO 2017 was also involved in Dubai planning), a city that geo-strategic is marking the center of a New silk Road and of South-South Economic Road, that is representing almost 50% percent of the world GDP.
Even more important, Dubai had emphasized his role as a world decision maker choosing a daring theme: CONNECTED MINDS, CREATING THE FUTURE! for the EXPO 2020 international exhibition.
The Exhibition DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO is also the second public display of a Capital city for Romanian public; it is the first city from Middle East and Arabic Golf ever presented internationally and is one of the most important cultural event dedicated to a city, in the last 30 years, in Romania.
The visitors will have the occasion to see world appreciated building, such as: Burj Al Arab, Burj Khalifa ( who was visited by more than 54 million visitors in 2012) old town of Dubai and Dubai creek, Dubai Financial Center, Dubai Trade Center-Jebel Ali and a series of other famous sites that made the city to be inscribed among top 10 cities in the world.
DUBAI- CAPITAL OF WORLD EXPO exhibition under European Council on Tourism and Trade high patronage is waiting to be discovered for a week (4-11 April 2013) in the heart of Bucharest, as a symbol of the friendship that is uniting Europe and Asia, Romania and United Arab Emirates.
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