On this occasion Professor Dr. Anton Caragea was presented with the appointment of Goodwill Ambassador At Large for the World Natural Protected Area. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea was empowered to speak on behalf the ecological and protection program`s regarding protected natural area and to represent on world stage the necessity issues related to: integrating environment into development , environment and finance, local development, climate change, sustainable energy, ecosystems and biodiversity, ozone and climate , climate strategy etc.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- World Goodwill Ambassador for Natural Protected Area`s visiting Chaguaramas Natural Rezervation in Trinidad and Tobago.
In his acceptance speech as Goodwill Ambassador for Natural Protected Area Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had appreciated the wealth of Romanian natural protected area evaluated at more than 23 natural and national parks that are representing a priority for natural conservation in Romania and for the world. This regions will be a priority for me and also we have to emphasize the educational vision in promoting natural area protection and development, touristic opportunities, conservationist education programs and international aid. All this all the pillars of developing and insuring financial independence and sustainability for natural protected areas, concluded professor dr. Anton Caragea.
The discussion concluded with the UNDP Country Representative presentation of the UNDP plans main features: The natural environment is the foundation on which poverty reduction efforts and sustainable development must be built. Poor people everywhere depend critically on environmental assets and energy resources for their livelihoods and well-being. It is widely recognized that recent and ongoing global shocks, food, fuel, financial, climate change, have linkages, if not in some cases direct lineage, to environmental issues related to the use and management environmental systems and services. Therefore, mainstreaming environment and sustainable development, including climate change, in national development planning and implementation is central to UNDP`s poverty reduction and Millennium Development Goal mission.
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