The unveiling of the title for WINEMAKER of THE YEAR for 2014 and the public presentation of best European wines had succeeded in gathering in the same spot the wine connoisseur’s community of Europe, Romania and the entire world on the venue of the International Wine Fair.

George Malutan is the official WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR
Diplomats from Europe, Asia and Africa, members of European Council on Tourism and Trade, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and countless personalities had convened on the spot, eager to know the names of 2014 best of wines and their makers.
The organizers decided that: the name of the BEST WINEMAKERS should be accompanied by the tasting of their prized creations.
The award ceremony and the tasting session had commenced by a Feteasca Neagra (Black Girl) from Dominium series of Cotnari House of Wine, a perfect red wine that encompassed with distinction the work of the wining George Malutan, the winner of WINEMAKER of THE YEAR designation.

Feteasca Neagra-one of the award wining creation of world fame of Mr. George Malutan.
Mr. George Malutan had proven himself by long term and successful efforts in creating COTNARI-Hose of Wine products.
Wines such as the Feteasca Neagra, had conquered the hearts and mind of diplomats at the DIPLOMATIC WINE contest for 2015, but also Mr. Malutan creations won many gold and silver medals, in the last span of time in International Wine Contests and tasting ceremonies. All this achievements bestow a perfect international recognition for his wines created for the portfolio of COTNARI House of Wines.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European council on Tourism and Trade had eulogized the wines created by Mr. George Malutan as perfectly capturing the terroirs specificity of Moldavia-region of Romania and european traditions and respecting the long lasting tradition of wine making of the areas.
His creations are garnering the art of wine production together with the latest technologies specific to the New World wines.
The result is a perfect calibrated wine, this is a living proof that old European wineries can be still seductive created with the new technologies and can lead in the world top of wines.
European wines did not said their final word on the world stage, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
The wine maker for COTNARI Hose of Wines-THE BEST WINEMAKER OF THE YEAR, Mr. George Malutan had inscribed in his wall of trophy’s the promotion of specific Romanian wines such as: White Girl (Feteasca Albă) and Black Girl (Feteasca Neagră), Fat Lady of Cotnari (Grasa de Cotnari) benefiting by a unique aroma and taste and aromatized assortments such as: Romanian Incense (Tamaioasa Romaneasca) and Bohotin Basil (Busuioaca de Bohotin).