A coffee ceremony and a musical display of Harari traditions where the secret weapons displayed by Harar Tourism Bureau-Muhyadin Ahmed to conquer the imagination of european tourism delegation visiting Harar. It seems that the gamble has pay off and the delegates were enthused by the city cultural potential.
ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea is admiring a Harari style house: a unique experience say`s ECTT President
The delegation was welcomed by the Head of Harari Regional Culture, Heritage and Tourism Bureau Mr. Muhyadin Ahmed at the headquarters of the bureau.
Visiting Harar (from left to right): Senator Ionel Agrigoroaei, President Dr. Anton Caragea, Head of Harar Tourism Bureau-Muhyadin Ahmed, Academician Mircea Constantinescu.
Harar was built-in 7th century and is enjoying UNESCO world heritage status for his outer-wall called Jugal and build around 1552 and encompassing 82 mosques and 400 shrines that made the city being called Medinat al Awliya (City of Saints).
European Council on Tourism and Trade delegation had the chance to visit the famous five gates of the city, toured Arthur Rimbaud famous house in the city, the palaces of Ras Tafari Mekonnen ( future Emperor Haile Selassie ) and traditional harari houses.

ECTT Trade Chairman-Mr. Mihai Prundianu visiting Grand Jami Mosque on Harar.
The delegation toured also famous Grand Jami Mosque and visited lodging facilities at Harar Ras Hotel.
Harar is today a living museum of Africa, a city of unique features and a perfect place for the culture and history lovers, concluded at the end of the short, but impressive visit, Professor Dr. Anton Caragea- European Council on Tourism and Trade President.