As of June 1st, 2017 no more countries candidature will be accepted, announced Academician Mircea Constantinescu, European Academy Director.
Academician Mircea Constantinescu: EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY Director announces the end of 2017 World Tourism Awards competition.
This year we will implement a new system of candidature files analysis that will see working groups, per continents, selecting the final winners for continental candidature and the selected one country per continent will be submitted for evaluation for European Council on Tourism and Trade General Assembly slated for July 29th, 2017.
Under the former election model all candidates where directed for world tourism leaders for final evaluation, resulting in a huge load of work and decision that required two days of debates and discussion, while under the new procedure the results can be determined in the first day, concluded outlining the improvements Academician Mircea Constantinescu.

I trust that 2017 will be the year for Africa, stated Academician Ionut Costea the responsible for the European Council on Tourism and Trade ECTT Africa team candidature evaluation.
Our team will try to evaluate and propose to world tourism institution of ECTT the best candidates destined to bring WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD to Africa.
Africa needs recognition, tourism credentials and support and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the best notoriety provider and tourism confidence building instrument in the world and the only way to insure African tourism in promoted on international stage remarked Academician Costea.
I hope that 2017 will be one more time the year of Asian tourism in the spot light declared academician Mircea Constantinescu.
After the incredible success of Cambodia as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 that succeeded in garnering more than 1,6 million tourists supplementary in 2016/2017 and being officially the world leader in tourism growth in 2016 in absolute numbers and in volume, registering a world record.
We hope that: the new WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION will be an Asian country and a new world example on international forum and we will try to put forward the best name and candidature file for European Council on Tourism and Trade General Assembly decision.
It`s Latin America time to shine in the world at European Council on Tourism and Trade awards for 2017, stated Academician-President Ion Iliescu.
It is Latin America hour for 2017, confidently declared Romanian President (1990-2004) Academician Ion Iliescu.
Our team will put forward the best tourist destination of Southern and Central America and as I personally visited and traveled in many countries of the region, I trust that it is time for Europe to support the region tourism development and to make the countries to grow from zero in tourism to hero status and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD is the perfect vehicle to achieve this, concluded former Romanian President.
On July 29th, 2017 the world tourism community will propose the name of the new victor of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD and the world example in tourism development.
Let us wish all the contenders success in the last leg of their journey towards WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status!
More PR links on the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARDS FOR 2017 you can find here: