On May 9, 2017, European Council on Tourism and Trade will held the festivities destined to mark EUROPE DAY of unity.
This year the spring meeting of Ambassadors accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade and world tourism ambassadors will be held in the same time.
Another important event that will set apart 2017 celebrations will be the festive launch of the flagship programme to support European products across the world reunited under the BEST OF EUROPE promotion and awareness program of ECTT.
Europe Day is the EU’s official day to celebrate peace and unity in Europe.
The date marks the anniversary of the historical ‘Schuman declaration’, which set out the French foreign minister’s idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe.
It is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union.
To celebrate this day, the European Council on Tourism and Trade organize an elegant and high-profile evening reception, which brings together the members from the German, Spanish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, French and Italian European Council on Tourism and Trade delegations.
Building on a successful cooperation on last year’s Europe Day, the European Council on Tourism and Trade teamed up once again with the European Tourism Academy, European Council on International Relations to organize the Europe Day Reception 2017 at the EUROPEAN TOURISM ACADEMY headquarter on Tuesday, 9 May 2017.

This event was followed by a diverse two-weeks programme of social-cultural activities for all ages, taking place throughout the same weeks in the city.
On the occasion of the 9 May celebration a new program to support European companies promotion and awareness building across the world will be unveiled, the program named BEST OF EUROPE will highlight the main products made in Europe that are unmatched across the world and can be used as real vectors of image for Europe incredible potential.
The Europe Day Reception is a celebration but also a perfect opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the European community comprising EU and non-EU member countries, giving the opportunity to all guests to celebrate the deep commercial, cultural, political and historical links between the countries of European continent.