The country made it to a staggering 2 billion dollars tourism revenues only in the first six month of obtaining WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION status. Congratulations are in order for the dynamic and development driven Government of Ethiopia who was capable in full exploiting the world most prestigious award for tourism and development, stated the energy division head-Mr. Mihai Prundianu.

ECTT Trade Chairman- Mr. Mihai Prundianu made a thorough analysis of Ethiopia`s evolution as WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION 2015: 2 billion dollars in supplementary revenues. Not a bad deal for the people of Ethiopia !
ECTT Chairman –Mihai Prundianu stated for the audience the remarkable achievements of the 2015 award winner-The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who capped 1 million tourists supplementary and derived tourism income in the margin of 2 billion dollars. Addis Ababa became the most rapidly growing city in Africa in the number of tourists.
Ethiopia enjoyed also a large presence in the media with over 120.000 tourism related articles promoting the country as the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION.
Ethiopia has being, surpassing all the countries in the region in terms of tourism, appreciated Academician Mircea Constantinescu.
ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea marked also the world tourism institution determination to continue a special relation with Ethiopia that we come to know and love and who entered in our hearts forever, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.