European Tourism News is an informational blog destined to present information`s about European Council on Tourism and Trade activities. European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) is the leading world and regional tourism organization representing a market of 800 millions costumers from all around Europe with members and delegations in 28 countries.
The official visit of ECTT President Dr. Anton Caragea, marking the opening of Autumn 2016-International Tourism Fair at the ROMEXPO Hall, in Bucharest, has taken place.
I declare open the 2016 International Tourism Fair! God bless us all! states ECTT President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea from the high pulpit.
President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Academician Mircea Constantinescu and their retinue had visited the tourism market, cut the ribbon given the offficial start of the activities and presented from the pulpit the main characteristics of the 2017 year in tourism.
Bread and Salt: Traditional welcome for H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade and Academician Mircea Constantinescu from European Tourism Academy opening the 2016 TOURISM FAIR.
The 18 November official tour of the exhibition had taken place under The High Patronage of President of European Council on Tourism and Trade.
On this occasion Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-President of European Council on Tourism and Trade has made the official tour of honour for all the pavilions that promoted outbound and inbound tourism, accompanied by a delegation of members of European Parliaments and the usual retinue of governmental officials.
The Bucharest-International Tourism Fair has garnered the most important tourism companies that outlined special offers for the lovers of cultural tourism, medical tourism and wellness, rural and business related tourism but also presented offers for aficionados of cruises, exotic destinations and adventure tourism.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had toured the areas dedicated to the promotion of wine tourism and stressed his office support for wine discovery based tourism programs, that are allowing visitors to familiarized themselves with Europe`s natural beauties but also to taste the incredible European wines.
H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and ECTT delegates are admiring traditional dances from Bucovina.
On the pavilions acknowledged by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, ECTT President and Global Ambassador for Tourism we can count the COTNARI stand that promoted not only the perfection of Cotnari Wines but also Cotnari region as the heartland of Moldova`s tourism.
President Dr. Anton Caragea also visited the pavilions of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam, Hungary, Bulgaria and delivered a speech on Movenpick stand on the opportunities offered by Middle Eastern tourism.
Professor Dr. Anton Caragea visited the Photographic Exhibition ans encouraged the artists present and was received as distinguished guest by the representatives of the transport companies like Air Berlin, Blue Air and made a special stop over to the National Air Transport Company TAROM, where European Council President took his time and attended a photo session with the employees of the national air company.
The open conference held by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea on Middle Eastern tourism opportunities was attended by tourism specialists, mass media and governmental officials.
International Tourism Fair 2016 was a pleasant opportunity to meet the representatives of the tourism and air transport companies and to discuss new methods to improve tourism at world level and more than everything provided us with a rostrum of discussions for the future elections on WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION FOR 2017 and WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM IN 2017 stated European Council on Tourism and Trade President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea in the concluding remarks of his visit.
According to World Bank, The Kingdom of Cambodia will enjoy a robust economic growth in 2016 of more than 7%, thanks in no small part to the recent growth in tourism sector.
Prime Minister of Cambodia-Academician Samdech HUN SEN had opted for a development based on tourism growth and obtained an incredible success as the Kingdom was elected as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and obtained a 6,9% growth according to World Bank.
The arrivals in the Kingdom are at a historic high in 2016.
In 2015 the numbers of tourists and investment has slow down, but in 2016 as the country was elected WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and H.E. Prime Minister of Cambodia – Samdech HUN SEN declared tourism as a priority, the situation has significantly turn around of staggering 26% increase in the numbers of tourism entering the country.
Radical tourism growth after the Kingdom of Cambodia was officialy recognised as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016
Phnom Penh arrivals, after the country was elected as FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION, grow by 7% and Siem Reap arrivals where up by 11% after the previous month.
The challenges ahead are still there as the country needs to attract more airlines for direct flights in order to transform Cambodia from a seasonal destination to an all year/ all seasons destination.
Luu Meng, president of the Cambodian Hotel Association, said despite the importance of the Chinese market—which airlines have been increasingly tapping into—Cambodia also needs to focus on securing direct flights from other countries as well as promoting destinations outside Angkor Wat.
Cambodian tourism sector perfect development on 2016, has become a World Model on the occasion of World Tourism Day.
A model to be analysed and copied by countries around the world in order to obtain a health tourism industry and a to foster the national development via tourism and international cooperation.
No country in the world had ever registered a growth equally to that of Kingdom of Cambodia, with 26% increase in arrivals numbers in just two months after becoming WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION.
If the Kingdom will succeed in keeping the momentum in the next months the tourism sector in the country can be a perfect world success story and example.
Let`s all wish to Cambodia a perfect ending for 2016!
European Council on Tourism and Trade had started working in garnering the National Parliaments and National Assemblies accros the world in a functional assembly dedicated to fostering international cooperation for the completion of Agenda for Development 2030, universally known as Sustainable Development Goals.
In the end of 2015 United Nations announced the new world objectives for development and growth for all nations by 2030 under the name of Sustainable Development Goals.
17 Objectives aims to make a better world and parliamentarians across the world are invited to place their voice in the balance.
The new 17-odd goals are aiming to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all, as part of a new world development agenda.
In order to fulfil this objectives, Parliaments across the world are called upon to bring their support and to enact legislation encouraging nations in the fulfilment of the 17 SDG`s.
The European Council on Tourism and Trade as a world institution is deeply involved and decided to act responsabile in constructing the Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (Parliaments Assembly).
The Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals will garner support from national parliaments across the world, interested in bringing world agenda for development in their national legislations and contribute to the international and global development and fulfilling the United Nations Agenda.
The first reunion of Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals will be held in at European Council on Tourism and Trade Bucharest Headquarter in December 2017, and will bring together, under the message of bringing to life the vaunted SDG Platform, the leaders of Parliaments and National Assemblies across the world.
European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea had stated for UN Sustainable Development publication that: he accepted the task to coordinate in the first five years the initiative, benefiting from his long-established role and expertise in uniting and engaging national legislators and make them involved in the implementation of development issues.
After the five years preparatory phase, will be created a Governing Body of advisors that includes MPs from National Parliaments and other experts to guide and effectively implement the programmes, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea-ECTT President.
ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea gives an interview for tourism journalists
In another statement for WORLD TOURISM Magazine, ECTT President announced that his top priority will be to garner a high level team of MP`s, Prime Ministers and President`s dedicated to world development and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals to lead the humanity in the right direction.
Supplimentary information`s on the work started by European Council on Tourism and Trade in offering to the world a direction for development you can discover here:
More information’s about the Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals can be read out on UN-SDG site accessible here:
ANA ARE ..cel mai celebru si mai bun creator de sucuri si dulceturi naturale de pe piata din Romania, face un nou pas in directia diversificarii produselor oferite odata cu lansarea gamei de uleiuri presate la rece din samburi de struguri, caise si catina.
Presarea la rece este nu doar cea mai moderna metoda, dar este bazata pe practicile antichitatii de producere a celor mai bune si mai pure uleiuri, uleiuri care isi pastreaza integral calitatile si principiile vitaminice, nelaterate de tratamente termice.
Toate cele trei uleiuri ofera importante beneficii pentru sanatate, ajutand la digestie, imbunatatind functionarea aparatului circulator si respirator, ajutand la prevenirea depunerilor de colesterol si la mentinerea unui regim de viata sanatos.
Unde mai punem la socoteala ca sunt si delicioase si ofera o savoare deosebita felurilor de mancare si salatelor, ajutand-ne sa mentinem beneficiile verii in dieta noastra, chiar si acum cand toamna si iarna se instaleaza la noi in tara.
Cele mai noi produse cunoscute sub numele de ANA AREsi DIRECT DE LA FERMA pot fi comandate direct de pe site:
Este un adevar recunoscut ca vinul bun incepe din vie asa ca, odata cu inceputul sezonului de recoltare a strugurilor, ne-am indreptat spre taramurile Vrancei, spre cel mai cunoscut producator al regiunii: CASA PANCIU, creatorul celui mai bun vin al Romaniei in 2013/ 2014 si din nou in 2016.
Boabele de Feteasca Neagra atarna greu la CASA PANCIU
Cum vinurile vrancene de la CASA PANCIU au devenit deja de trei ani etalonul a tot ce are Romania mai de pret in domeniul vinurilor, am vrut sa aflam cum se anunta anul viticol 2016.
Prima veste buna de pe meleagurile vrancene apare imediat in vie: Feteasca neagra este foarte dulce si colorata, dar trebuie sa mai avem rabdare pana cand samburii se apropie de culoarea si gustul boabelor de cafea…atunci structura si aroma vor fi perfecte, ne asigura Daniel Guzu, creatorul miracolului numit CASA PANCIU.
Tot cu mandrie ne sunt prezentati ciorchinii de Sarba din care va iesi unul din vinurile fanion ale CASEI PANCIU: Sarba, vin cunoscut si recunoscut pentru prospetime si aroma.
Deja Sauvignon Blanc isi incepe lungul drum spre vinificare, promitand un an exceptional pentru vinurile albe si aromatizate care fac gloria CASEI PANCIU.
Daca se spune ca ochiul patronului ingrasa via, atunci la CASA PANCIU via trebuie sa fie foarte implinita, caci in perioada de foc a lunilor august septembrie, octombrie Daniel Guzu nu paraseste via fiind peste tot si supraveghiind totul de la taierea frunzelor pana la selectarea atenta a boabelor: „Focusul nostru e pe creșterea calității. Dacă facem cantitate, nu facem profit. Sunt prea mulți care fac mult. „Dacă mergi prin vie o să vedeți Sauvignonul că e tăiat în așa fel să nu obținem sub 10 t la hectar. La Fetească sub 7 t. Producția la hectar face diferența.
In forfota culesului gasim pe fiecare parcela cate 50 de oameni care sunt activi la tăiat, cules, incarcat, controlat calitatea etc. Acum, la ceasul culesului, numarul lor ajunge pe intreaga proprietate și la 300 de oameni harnici implicati in minunata opera de culegere a viei, toți veseli si plini de optimism si cazați în structuri de calitate construite special pentru muncitorii sezonieri.
Grija pentru vin inseamna si grija si pentru oamenii care il fac, cel putin aceasta este convingerea lui Daniel Guzu.
Degustarea minunatelor vinuri de la CASA PANCIU, licori alese care au cucerit intreaga lume si au fost incununate cu titlul de VINUL DIPLOMATILOR, vinul de reprezentare a Romaniei, a inceput cu un Rose exceptional, cules la maturitate deplina, care a entuziasmat prin vioiciune si puterea expresiei fiind un vin perfect pentru ocazii.
Incredibilul Cabernet Sauvignon vinificat in alb, proba a maiestriei creatorilor de vinuri de la CRAMA NATURA/CASA PANCIU a fost urmatorul oferit la degustare incantand imediat.
Rose-ul DOMENIILE PANCIU si Sauvignon Blanc de la DOMENIILE PANCIU au demonstrat stabilitate si maturitate si o persistenta in calitate ce au impresionat.
Finalul a fost apoteotic cu un spumant Rose, care a demonstrat ceeea ce stiam de mult: la vinuri spumante CASA PANCIU poate preda lectii la multi creatori de sampanie sau prosecco, fiind un vin spumant de calitate europeana, ce depaseste multe vinuri spumante din Champagne.
Sauvignon-ul Blanc promite si promite un vin de calitate
La finalul calatoriei de degustare si informare in zona Vrancei putem spune ca: avem in CASA PANCIU un castigator de cursa lunga si un creator de vinuri perfecte, care va reprezenta tot ce are Romania mai bun in domeniul vinificatiei inca multa vreme de acum.
Comandati acum minunatele vinuri de la CRAMA NATURA si CASA PANCIU:
C'est le résultat d'un classement effectué par l`organisation du tourisme mondiale- le Conseil Européen sur le Tourisme et le commerce, l` organisation de tourisme de l'Union européenne à but non lucratif.
S.E. Professeur Docteur Anton Caragea, President du ECTT-L'Institution du tourisme mondiale announce la victoire d'Ethiopie dans la competicion mondiale du tourisme du 2015.
Ce choix a été favorisé par « l'excellente conservation des monuments de ce pays. »
Avec 681 000 visiteurs en 2013 contre 468 000 en 2010, le tourisme a connu une importante progression ces dernières années en Ethiopie.
Le choix de « meilleure destination touristique », cette année, n’est pourtant pas le fait du hasard pour l’Ethiopie. Le Conseil européen sur le tourisme et le commerce a voulu braquer les projecteurs sur la richesse et l’excellente conservation des monuments historiques du pays.
La reunion du L'Académie Europeen du Tourisme (Addis Ababa-Juillet 2015)
En la matière, l'offre est particulièrement riche et diversifiée : Addis Abeba, « Nouvelle fleur » en Amharique, et ses anciens palais ; Lalibela, la cité monastique classée au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité, célèbre pour ses 11 églises taillées dans la roche au XIIe siècle ; Bahar Dar ; le lac Tana et ses 37 îles, les ruines de la ville d’Aksoum, qui représentent l’Ethiopie antique. Il y a aussi la ville historique fortifiée de Harar Jugol et ses 82 mosquées, dont trois datent du Xe siècle (les murs qui entourent cette ville sacrée ont été construits entre le XIIIe et le XVIe siècle)
Pour le gouvernement éthiopien, après l'agriculture et l'industrie, le tourisme est la 3e principale pièce du moteur de la croissance économique du pays. Pour 2015-2016, cette la croissance est estimée entre 8,6% et 10,5%.
Danube Delta was always recognised as a land of uniqueness: a place unique in Europe, the greatest and most attractive world delta complex, the most impressive natural sanctuary of Europe and from now one is also the place where exist the most luxurious and well equipped hotel in a Delta: the PUFLENE RESORT.
PUFLENE RESORT: a perfect place to start your journey in the splendid DANUBE DELTA.
Puflene resort is the beneficiary of a perfect position: at the end of the road that connects the city of Tulcea (the entry point into the Danube Delta) to Murighiol, the last great city, before the Danube starts the journey to the sea, ending at Sulina, where old Danube meets Black Sea.
The perfect position allows PUFLENE RESORT to be used for a discovery trip of Danube Delta treasures, excursions that can last from a few hours to a few days trip.
Worths mentioning that: the experienced team ofPUFLENE RESORT can take care even of the smallest details of your journey through Danube Delta, putting at your disposal a large array of speed boats, cruise ships and sailing boats, that will allow you to explore even the hidden corners, in the search of the unique flora and fauna hosted by mirific Danube Delta.
If relaxation is what you seek, than also the hospitality complex PUFLENE can be your destination of choice, as will offer you the opportunity to go fishing, in the boundaries of the complex and will also provide you with in-house delights like: corporal treatments, massage, gym, indoor pool and outdoor wadding pool, sauna and even a salt mine, all reunited in a complex SPA, unique in Danube Delta and Black Sea region.
Encompassing more than 10 hectares, the PUFLENE RESORTis offering for tourists large areas, specially destined for outdoor sports like: football field, tennis courts, jogging tracks and even adventure sports towers.
Ten hectares of luxury and amusements in DANUBE DELTA.
For children and families cruising after a year of hard work only PUFLENE RESORT is the address of choice.
The children are enjoying a kingdom of wonder, spanning over 10 hectares of perfect paradise and the matures can also enjoy relaxation and enjoy the interaction with water, sun and Danube Delta unique climate of relaxation.
With 106 rooms and 16 villas, the complex is an example of good organization and comfort: all rooms are enjoying the amenities like: minibar, safes, cable television, internet connection, free wi-fi, phone, hair dryer, balcony, air conditioning, VingCard access keys, making your leisure time an occasion for perfect joy and relaxation so needed in the stressful modern world.
A strong point that needs to be emphasized is the PUFLENE RESTORT restaurant, that is offering 300 places and a menu that will dignify the royals.
All that was ever invented by Romanian, Greek or Russian cuisine, in the field of fish based gourmet palatable pleasures can be ordered here and the Danube best chefs will create you a culinary paradise for the most demanding palates.
Starting this moment, PUFLENE RESORT must be on your discovery bucket list as will offer you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the unique landscape of Danube Delta in the most luxurious and pleasurable surroundings.
Mihai Puflene, the men who restored to life tourism in Danube Delta is congratulated by H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, European Council on Tourism and Trade President on the occasion of diplomats visit to Danube (August 2016).
No matter what will be the reason of your visit: the yearning for discovery, the hope of a unique vacation or just the pleasure of relaxation and enjoyment of leisure, there is one place in the Danube Delta that can offer you all this feelings in a perfect package: PUFLENE RESORT.
For more information’s about PUFLENE RESORT and to book your stay click here:
A group of diplomats from nine countries, officialy accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade, travelled from Bucharest to Tulcea and from there to Danube Delta from August 20-25 to explore the rich natural patrimony of the grassland during the Europe Cultural Discovery Tour initiated by H.E. President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
H.E. President Anton Caragea welcomed by Mr. Mihai Puflene Chairman of PUFLENE RESORT and Danube Delta expert.
The 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip has brought together diplomats officialy accredited to European Council on Tourism and Trade.
The Summer Trip for Diplomats, a yearly event, hosted by The European Council on Tourism and Trade has taken place between 20-25 August 2015, in the framework of DISCOVER EUROPE program.
PUFLENE RESORT Complex was the generous host of 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip
The DISCOVER EUROPE program is aimed at giving an opportunity for diplomats posted in Europe to get acquainted with new areas of our continent, to familiarize themselves with the rich customs and traditions of diverse regions of Europe and to also enjoy themselves in a few days of active relaxation.
This year our main destination and that of the nine ambassadors and their families, invited for the cruise, was Danube Delta, tell us Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the President of European Council on Tourism and Trade and we have many reasons for our decision to select Danube Delta as our destination.
The magic of Danube Delta and PUFLENE RESORT
We have previously organized a similar discovery trip during 2011 and I was remembering, with pleasure, the enthusiasm that ambassadors put in the discovery of the area and we want also to place in our program new and new destinations of Danube Delta.
The backwater channels of DANUBE DELTA
Another argument weight in was the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: PUFLENE RESORT.
This resort was to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Danube Delta, and also our night base for a wonderful meal and recuperation after travel.
Water Lilly Sea in the center of DANUBE DELTA
The diplomats program was coined, with the help of PUFENE RESORT Director, Mr Mihai Puflene, a man in loved with the Danube and passionate about Danube Delta.
The program encompassed, during day time, regular trips, that allowed diplomats to discover magnificent areas like: Murighiol Danube front, the lake Uzlina, the largest lake and a perfect fish reserve, the boats rolled also to the Lake Isac and Lake Isac 2, natural reserve of mangrove and typical vegetation, Litcov Channel and famous Crisan village, bedecked with traditional houses painted in blue and home to Russian minority in the Danube Delta.
Diplomats also enjoyed the trips to Sulina arm of Danube and finally, to the Letea Forest, UNESCO natural preserve, unique in the world.
The five days journey of discovery and travel where crowned also by relaxation time.
This is the magic of DANUBE DELTA as diplomats have seen it.
Ambassadors took full advantage of this time enjoying the PUFLENE RESORT many facilities like gym, wading pool and massage therapy and most of all, indulge in the culinary creation of the master chef of the complex.
Mr. Mihai Puflene carved out a culinary discovery menu, including the fish broth, carp brine and the incredible stuffed pike.
Carving out the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip Program(l-r): Mr. Mihai Puflene the Manager of PUFLENE RESORT complex and H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, ECTT President (second line Mr. Mark Doda-Balkan Tourism Organization CEO).
The diplomatic trip to Danube Delta was a new success of the DISCOVERY EUROPE program, started in 2008 by The European Council on Tourism and Trade and will be followed this autumn by a discovery trip to Republic of Moldova, stated H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.
More informations about PUFLENE RESORT can be read out here:
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