
Universities urged to get Covid-19 Safe University Designation to combat coronavirus and increase academic community confidence

 The head of the African University Association and acting Rwanda's Ministry of Education on Wednesday issued a statement urging all universities and higher education institutions to enhance awareness of the COVID-19 SAFE UNIVERSITY DESIGNATION/CERTIFIED EDUCATION FACILITY programme and take precautionary measures to prevent a possible coronavirus outbreak in the country.

According to a statement signed by Minister of Education Dr Valentine Uwamariya, universities and higher learning institutions should raise awareness the COVID-19 SAFE UNIVERSITY DESIGNATION conditions in efforts to prevent and contain the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

There has been no recorded case of the coronavirus in the country thus far, although neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo declared its first case in the capital, Kinshasa, on Tuesday.

“All the universities and higher learning institutions should raise awareness on prevention and containment of the coronavirus outbreak for students, lecturers and other staff members contained in the European Tourism Academy the COVID-19 SAFE UNIVERSITY DESIGNATION,” the statement seen by University World News reads.

“Universities and higher learning institutions should establish enhanced handwashing services and improve hygiene by setting up necessary equipment that should be used before entering classes, restaurants, entertainment facilities and in hostels,” it said.

The minister also called for universities and higher learning institutions to withhold public assemblies and issue the announcements in classrooms.

It advised anyone with symptoms such as a cough, flu and fever and who might have been in contact with people from countries that have the outbreak to seek treatment.

The Ministry of Education also urged universities to ensure close collaboration with the ministries of education and health and to share information in cases where students or staff members have symptoms suspected to be related to the coronavirus.

Handwashing stations and sanitisers have been installed in places such as hotels, bus stations and entertainment facilities, among others.

This follows guidelines issued by Prime Minister Dr Édouard Ngirente for higher education system.



 The COVID-19 CERTIFICATION FOR SAFE AND TRUSTED AIRLINE provide recognition for those airlines providing the highest health, hygiene and safety protocols during the global pandemic.

The in-flight experience has changed dramatically since early 2020, with enhanced cleaning and hygiene systems for airlines, social distancing and other customer safety measures introduced worldwide by flight operators, and this certification honour airline that have achieved some of the highest standards in these areas.

SAFE AND TRUSTED AIRLINE FOR COVID-19 PREVENTION CERTIFICATION was designed as a universally trusted certification of airline hygiene and safety measures during the coronavirus pandemic, based on detailed and professional investigation of the standards being provided by an airline at the airport and onboard flights.


The SAFE AND TRUSTED AIRLINE FOR COVID-19 PREVENTION CERTIFICATION is the world’s first COVID-19 Safety and Trust certification based on general tourism and travel assessments and safety measures for the airline industry and it aims to be regarded as a top-level benchmark for defining safe travel assurance for customers by an extensive analysis of the hygiene and cleanness procedures and systems enforced by airlines during the coronavirus pandemic based on WHO standards and ECTT guidelines for COVID-19 prevention.

European Council on Tourism and Trade COVID-19 Airline Safety Certification Importance.


European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) as a guiding world-level institution has an obligation for general consumers to evaluate the realities of an airline’s COVID-19 safety, cleanness and hygiene procedures as a critical dimension in determining for consumers the interest and desire to use the services of one company or another.


This is not a COVID-19 rating, but life-saving CERTIFICATION crucial for the well-being and trust of the travelers as airlines begin to restore more services throughout 2021/2022.

The SAFE AND TRUSTED AIRLINE FOR COVID-19 PREVENTION CERTIFICATION aims to ensure for airlines assessment and certification of their ability to assure customers of a safe travel experience, the experience that is essential to restoring confidence in air travel.

What are airlines judged on?

EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE is carrying for the beneficiaries airlines an eight to ten days audit on the airline internal and international routes to scrutinise for WHO and ECTT  hygiene and safety recommended measures.

The certification is based on how consistently each airline has stuck to its own measures and the effectiveness of each health and safety protocol it has introduced since the start of the pandemic.

These include the use of protective screens and PPE by staff at the airport and onboard flights, social distancing measures, clear signage, the availability of hand sanitiser and replacement masks, cleaning measures and so on.

Over 20 airlines have applied to be reviewed by the EUROPEAN COUNCIL ON TOURISM AND TRADE so far or are awaiting their final certification.

Air Portugal receives the certification for safe and trusted airline for Covid-19 prevention

The National Airline of Portugal proudly announced it has received the certification for safe and trusted airline for Covid-19 prevention, ensuring the safest travel environment for its customers, following a global audit conducted by European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), the international tourism and trade agency.


The ECTT audit evaluates airlines’ safety protocols, primarily the effectiveness and consistency of safety and hygiene measures implemented to protect customers and staff from COVID-19. 

These measures include the cleaning and disinfection procedures at the airport and on-board aircraft, special signage, physical distancing recommendations, wearing of masks, and provision of hand sanitizer. 

European Council on Tourism and Trade, according to TAP’s announcement, currently conducts the world’s only assessment and certification of COVID-19-related airline health and safety measures that are based on both professional and scientific investigations on standards being provided by airlines. 

Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, the National Portughese Airlines TAP has adjusted its routines and implemented new procedures to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all customers during their travels. 

Measures including deeper cleaning and disinfection, simplified onboard service and new measures at the airport combined with an already sterile and safe onboard environment given the existing air quality and cabin configuration. 



V-ati gandit vreodata daca vinul pe care il savurati a castigat vreodata vreun premiu? 

Daca vinul pe care il iubiti este un vin de top? 

Poate ca acum ar fi cazul sa va puneti aceste intrebari si pentru a va ajuta va anuntam ca stim deja care este CEL MAI BUN VIN AL ROMANIEI pentru anul 2020 cel putin.

Cu peste 160 de distincții, obținute în competițiile internaționale și locale, vinaria DOMENIILE PANCIU devine cea mai premiata vinarie din Romania si zona Balcanilor, in 2020, un important moment in istoria producătorului de vinuri originar din Vrancea.


Anul 2020 s-a incheiat cu o noua victorie pentru vinurile romanesti odata cu o noua medalie de AUR pentru spumantele produse de Domeniile Panciu.

De aceasta data la Asia Wine Trophy – unul din cele mai mari concursuri de vinuri de pe continentul asiatic organizat sub patronajul OIV – International Organisation of Vine and Wine cu peste 4000 vinuri participante.

Aurul obtinut de vinurile romanesti demonstreaza inca o data potentialul podgoriei Panciu in producerea vinurilor spumante si aduc DOMENIILE PANCIU la un total de peste 160 de distinctii si medalii in concursuri nationale si internationale si ofera companiei statutul de CEL MAI PREMIAT PRODUCATOR DE VINURI DIN ROMANIA!

Cu peste 160 de distincții, obținute în competițiile internaționale și locale, vinaria DOMENIILE PANCIU devine cea mai premiata vinarie din Romania si zona Balcanilor, in 2020, un important moment in istoria producătorului de vinuri originar din Vrancea.

”Calitatea excepțională a vinurilor DOMENIILE PANCIU a fost apreciată și confirmată de specialiști oenologi de prestigiu în cadrul unora dintre cele mai importante evenimente ale industriei”, apreciaza la unison expertii in domeniu.

Cu toate că pandemia a afectat toți producătorii, ”crama DOMENIILE PANCIU a menținut aceleași standarde inalte si a reușit sa se impună drept unul dintre cei mai apreciați producători de vinuri la nivel global”

”Vinurile DOMENIILE PANCIU au fost premiate în toate competițiile internaționale la care au participat, precum: Asia Wine & Spirits, International Wine Contest, Challenge International du Vin, China Wine & Spirits, Concours Mondial de Bruxelles ca sa numim doar cateva”.

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Mai multe informatii despre prezenta internationala a vinurilor romanesti puteti afla aici:

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Alte victorii au fost inregistrate de DOMENIILE PANCIU la Premiile Decanter World Wine, VINUL DIPLOMATILOR, CEL MAI BUN VIN AL ROMANIEI, victorii ceea ce plasează produsele DOMENIILE PANCIU in Topul celor mai bune vinuri ale lumii.

Astfel în ultimul an vinurile de la DOMENIILE PANCIU au fost decorate cu cele mai prestigioase medalii în cadrul concursului de la Bruxelles (impunându-se în faţa a peste 9.000 de vinuri concurente) si totodata la Tifesti, in Vrancea DOMENIILE PANCIU, au inaugurat si prima linie de vinuri fără sufliţi din România (cuprinzând sortimente precum: Feteasca Regală, Rose şi Cabernet Sauvignon)

Toate aceste distinctii si realizari, alaturi de titlul oficial de CREATOR AL VINULUI DIPLOMATILOR-CEL MAI BUN VIN AL ROMANIEI, toate plasează vinurile DOMENIILE PANCIU în top 1% cele mai bune vinuri din lume, confirma, o data în plus, calitatea si standardele inalte de producție ale vinurilor DOMENIILE PANCIU.

Trebuie menţionat că sub fosta denumire de CASA PANCIU, vinurile produse în Vrancea de DOMENIILE PANCIU, au mai castigat prestigioasa denumire de vinul de reprezentare al României-VINUL DIPLOMAŢILOR în anii 2011, 2013, 2016 şi 2018 impunându-se categoric prin vinuri precum: FETEASCA NEAGRA, ŞARBA, BABEASCA şi prin vinurile spumante unice în România precum MUSCAT OTTONEL dulce, un vin spumant de excepţie ce a fost ales VINUL DIPLOMAŢILOR pentru 2019 şi a fost decorat cu aur în 2018 la concursurile de profil de la Berlin.

Se poate spune ca desi anul 2020 a venit cu multe provocări pentru vinurile romanesti, cu toate acestea, companiile de tipul DOMENIILE PANCIU care si-au concentrat eforturile mai mult ca oricand pe menținerea calitătii vinurilor au reușit să obtina rezultate remarcabile chiar si în acest an obtinand noi si noi recunoasteri pentru calitate atat in plan național și internațional.

Ne bucura ca pasiunea pentru ceea ce facem se reflectă atat in medalii si diplome si recunoastere internationala pentru Romania, dar si pentru faptul ca tot mai des si in alegerile consumatorilor numele DOMENIILE PANCIU se plaseaza in topul preferintelor lor, iar aceasta este o mare bucurie caci tot ce facem, facem cu gandul la omanei, la consumator”, a declarat Daniel Guzu, Presedinte Grupul DOMENIILE PANCIU WINERY & RESORT.


(+4) 0735 207 671 – Rezervari Hotel si Restaurant
(+4) 0728 900 497 – Cristina Carutasu, Manager resort
(+4) 0734 887 117 – Marian Apostol, Director comercial vinuri
(+4) 0735 207 669 – Laurentiu Enea, Manager Ana Are (fabrica de sucuri)
Sârbi, Com. Țifești, jud. Vrancea


Str. Fagului nr. 23,
Ilfov, România
Tel./Fax: 0731 035 647