

2018 WORLD TOURISM DAY celebration was decided to be September 27 and the official theme will be TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROTECTION! 

Celebrated worldwide since 1980, World Tourism Day at European Council on Tourism and Trade is commemorated usually at the end of September each year and hosted in the capital of the country crowned as WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION OF THE YEAR.

This year, the Official Celebrations are held in Phnom Penh , the capital city of Kingdom of Cambodia, winner of World Best Tourism Destination designation and in Bucharest on October 4, 2017 under the Chairmanship of European Council on Tourism and Trade.

The main role of the World Tourism Day is to highlight the global significance of tourism as a tool for global development and cultural enlightenment.


Tourism is the greatest educator in the world, stated on the topic the European Council on Tourism and Trade President Dr. Anton Caragea.


This is one of the goals of the World Tourism Day celebrations that are being conducted throughout the world.

President of European Council on Tourism and Trade, H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea signs the ECTT- WORLD TOURISM DAY 2018 logo and document: TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROTECTION! 

More to read on the topic:






The Official Celebrations taking place in Phnom Penh, and marked as usually also at World Tourism Institute of European Council on Tourism and Trade center and garnering world tourism leaders, industry entrepreneurs and researchers, Global Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals  among other key actors in the sector.


The event was opened by the President of European Council on Tourism and Trade, H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, who emphasized the cultural and heritage booster and promoter role of Tourism and the links of the sector with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals as well as the carry torch role of the Global Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals in the global economic diversification and socially oriented growth.


On this occasion H.E. Professor Dr. Anton Caragea - ECTT President announced that: Global Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals project will continue unabated until 2030, the year marked by United Nations for the completion of the 17 Goals at world level.


In conjunction with European Tourism Academy, European Council on Tourism and Trade announced that 2018 World Tourism Day theme will be: TOURISM AS A CULTURAL PROTECTOR, emphasizing tourism  role in promoting awareness for cultural and heritage patrimony , in boosting the resources allocated for their maintenance and preservation and in educating future generations on their role as guardian`s and custodians of these world treasures.

Academician Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia-Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo.



In the Kingdom of Cambodia, the official host of World Tourism Day for European Council on Tourism and Trade celebration, the premier’s message on World Tourism Day,  Academician Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia said the tourism sector continues to contribute to Cambodia’s economy.

“In recognition of the contribution tourism has made, the government through the Tourism Ministry will continue to develop the tourism market, develop tourism products, and further promote new areas like youth tourism, urban tourism and shopping tourism,” said Mr Hun Sen.


“Currently, the tourism sector is the third biggest export industry in the world after the chemical and oil industries,” he added. “Tourism brings hope, prosperity and fosters people-to-people relations in the world.”


This year’s theme for World Tourism Day was “Sustainable Tourism – a Tool for Development”.


“Tourism can contribute to all the three crucial areas of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – and each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,” said Academician Hun Sen.


“Not only does the sector contribute to economic growth, it also improves the quality of people’s lives. It can bolster environmental protection, champion diverse cultural heritage, and strengthen peace in the world,” added the premier.


Next year date for WORLD TOURISM DAY celebration was decided to be September 27 2018 and the official theme will be TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROTECTION! 



Academicians Mircea Constantinescu, Ionut Costea and E. Constantinescu are expressing their support for the decision taken by THE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG) to continue upholding the efforts of promoting SDG as tools for international peace, development and inclusive and socially balanced growth.


The PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS has already being involved in world level programs like: WORLD CAPITAL OF CULTURE AND TOURISM and WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION and creating wealth, promoting tourism and culture as tools for progress and civilization across the world.


We salute this incredible decision, concluded Academician Mircea Constantinescu and we strongly uphold the banner of  Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme as representing the community of builders of a better world.


On October 4, 2017 the official ceremonies for WORLD TOURISM DAY have taken place in the presence of President Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and having in observance members of European Council on Tourism (ECTT) and Trade, European Tourism Academy, diplomatic corps accredited to ECTT and members of PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDG).

In the opening ceremonies for the World Tourism Day Professor Dr. Anton Caragea has made the long-awaited announcement:  The  Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme will continue in the next year.

Professor Dr. Anton Caragea signs the decree to continue to  the  Ambassadors for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals programme onto the next period.

As a result of the demands coming from leaders, statesman`s and peerless world personalities involved in the carving of new development strategies and in implementing United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda we have taken the decision to further implement the program and to entrust the European Council on Tourism and Trade and  PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SDG to continue the implementation of the program in the years to come.



The new logo of a Parliamentary Assembly for Sustainable Development Goals.


Also Professor Dr. Anton Caragea announced the good news that:  the international Campaign for the implementation of 2030 Agenda of United Nations, known worldwide as SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA, in the work of parliaments across the world has reached a first milestone, only after a year of existence, with the support of 262 parliamentarians from 22 national parliaments.

Now with this threshold passed, the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s, is now endorsed across party lines, ideologies and national agenda`s by more than 262 current members of parliament from over 22 countries.


The creation of a Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s in the UN framework for world cooperation in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals that was signed by the lawmakers calls for “a gradual implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in all national and local parliaments and elected assemblies agenda creating a global synergy for world level campaign aimed at bringing to life the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA”


The role of Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s is “to ensure international cooperation, secure the acceptance and to enhance the legitimacy of the United Nations SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA and strengthen the elected representatives ( parliamentarians) capacity to act and to be more effectively and directly included into the activities of implementing and financing the programs related to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA.”


“This is an important milestone,” remarked Professor Dr. Anton Caragea,  the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s Executive President and campaign’s coordinator.


“The support of a UN Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s by such a broad group of parliamentarians from all the world’s regions shows once again that it is high time for the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA to be recognized as paramount for world development,” he concluded.


“If it comes to democratizing the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA and to insure global cooperation, than the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s is the venue for a technical and democratic debate, said Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


“The SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AGENDA would benefit from involving elected representatives in its deliberations. After all, in many cases it’s them who are needed to help implement UN policy at the national level, especially if it comes to the Agenda 2030,” said Mr. Catalin Nechifor from Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s .

On this momentous occasion the new logo of the Parliamentary Assembly for SDG`s was unveiled by Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, the Executive President.


We must note that: apart from members of parliaments, the campaign has also been endorsed by numerous former members of parliaments, distinguished scholars, cultural innovators, representatives of civil society organizations, and many committed citizens from all walks of life.

European Council on Tourism and Trade and European Tourism Academy had created and pioneered the PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS SDG`s uniting world parliaments in the efforts to implement in their work and legislation measures dedicated to bring to life SDG in every nation.

European Tourism Academy is the only world academy that is offering SDG based courses and curriculum based on role of culture and development in carving a new and better future for as all.

More information’s about the Parliamentarian Assembly for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals can be read out on UN-SDG site here:

Supplementary information regarding the World Lectures on SDG can be obtained from official website